SSoL 2024

The Summer School of Linguistics took place from 17 to 24 August 2024 in České Budějovice, Czech Republic.

Schedule (as of August 19)


Friday 16 August


Saturday 17 August

10:00–11:10 Opening
11:20–12:30 Linda Drijvers: How gestures enhance speech comprehension
14:30–15:40 Benedikt Szmrecsanyi: Recent advances in variationist linguistics I
16:00–17:10 Radim Lacina: Alternatives in real-time processing
17:30–18:40 Dalibor Kučera: Finding psychological markers in text: Using closed-vocabulary approach in personality description

Sunday 18 August

10:00–11:10 Linda Drijvers: Multimodal language in the brain
11:20–12:30 Linda Drijvers: Novel methods to study audiovisual integration and multimodal language processing
14:30–15:40 Benedikt Szmrecsanyi: Recent advances in variationist linguistics II
16:00–17:10 Radim Lacina: Dependency completion: Memory in comprehension

Monday 19 August

10:00–11:10  Linda Drijvers: Inter-brain synchrony in natural conversations
11:20–12:30  Benedikt Szmrecsanyi: Recent advances in variationist linguistics III
14:30–15:40  Radim Lacina: Going beyond what is said: Pragmatic processing
17:00–19:00 POSTER SESSION (the list of posters is at the bottom of the page)

Tuesday 20 August


Wednesday 21 August

10:00–11:10 WORKSHOPS: (A): Daniela Palleschi: Open Science Practices for Linguistic Research: Reproducible Analyses in R I. Reproducibility in linguistic research and R (what, why, and how?); (B) Danny Dirker: From Gaze to Insight: Eye-Tracking Methodology and Its Application in Linguistics I
Amanda Potts: Interdisciplinary approaches to exploring identity construction using corpus-assisted discourse analysis
 Jessica Nieder, Kellen Parker Van Dam: Data collection & structuring for multilingual computational linguistics I
 Barbara Kaup: Negation Processing I
Filip Smolík: How are grammatical categories born? Rules and words in late infancy and toddlerhood

Thursday 22 August

10:00–11:10 WORKSHOPS: (A): Daniela Palleschi: Open Science Practices for Linguistic Research: Reproducible Analyses in R II. Setting up tools for reproducible research (RProjects, Rmarkdown/Quarto, R packages); (B) Danny Dirker: From Gaze to Insight: Eye-Tracking Methodology and Its Application in Linguistics II
Amanda Potts: Using SketchEngine for corpus-based discourse analysis (introduction and intermediate tools)
 Filip Smolík: Rules, memory and inflection: how lexical semantics becomes involved in morphosyntax
Barbara Kaup: Negation Processing II
17:30–18:40 Jessica Nieder, Kellen Parker Van Dam: Data collection & structuring for multilingual computational linguistics II

Friday 23 August

10:00–11:10 Amanda Potts: Using SketchEngine for corpus-based discourse analysis (advanced tools and personal guidance)
 WORKSHOPS: (A): Daniela Palleschi: Open Science Practices for Linguistic Research: Reproducible Analyses in R III Maintaining a reproducible workflow (free session putting the tools into practice); (B) Danny Dirker: From Gaze to Insight: Eye-Tracking Methodology and Its Application in Linguistics III
Jessica Nieder, Kellen Parker Van Dam: Introduction to linguistic phylogenetics
Barbara Kaup: Negation Processing III
Jiří Milička: Large language models I. Beyond anthropomorphization

Saturday 24 August

10:00–11:10  WORKSHOPS: (A): Daniela Palleschi: Open Science Practices for Linguistic Research: Reproducible Analyses in R IV. Code review: sharing our RProject with collaborators to test reproducibility; (B) Danny Dirker: From Gaze to Insight: Eye-Tracking Methodology and Its Application in Linguistics IV
Jessica Nieder, Kellen Parker Van Dam: Language processing
 Barbara Kaup: Negation Processing IV
16:00–17:10 Jiří Milička: Large language models II. What has been done and what needs to be done

Sunday 25 August


Poster session

Venue: U Černé věže 22, map:

Kamila Bejšovcová: When language knows no boundaries: Neural processing of non-native acoustic cues in English by Czech natives
Diego Blanco Ortiz: Human Consciousness: A Study through the relationship between spontaneous and evoked activity
Markéta Ceháková & Jan Chromý: Garden-path sentences are often not interpreted correctly
Ondřej Drobil: How Czech children wonder about facts
Adéla Dvořáková: Tell me your name and I will tell you what kind of person you are: an experimental study of sound symbolism in first names
Olga Filimonova: Voices of the future: Spanish speakers’ perception of synthetic speech
Alec Gallo: Voices of Influence: How Accent and Gender Shape Political Perceptions
Andrea González-García Aldariz: Tell me if it hurts! Processing literal and metaphorical pain in L2 discourse comprehension: an ERP study.
Lucie Guštarová & Jan Chromý: Immediate recall and information predictability in written and spoken comprehension
Lizeth Guthemeberg: Emotional inferences in L2
Dmytro Hrytsu: Mapping acoustic cues to distinctive features in onomatopoeic expressions. A case from English, Slovak, and Ukrainian.
Claudia Maria Jimenez Rodriguez: Metacognitive Strategies and Their Effectiveness in Universal Design for Learning in Language Teaching
Alžběta Kučerová: ProduSemy: Object Naming
Marija Lazarević: The Acquisition Of Alphabets In Second Grade Students In Serbian Language
Elisa Marrodan: The Role of Executive Functions in Syntactic Processing in Monolingual School-Age Children: A Systematic Review
Lais Muntini: Does word valence influence language choice? Investigating the Foreign Language Effect in a Valenced Voluntary Language Switching Task
Eva Pospíšilová: The effect of sound symbolism on the processing of Czech words in persons with aphasia: a pilot study
Arne Rubehn: Generating Feature Vectors from Phonetic Transcriptions in Cross-Linguistic Data Formats
Martin Sotona: Language Contact: Codeswitching and Borrowing
Anna Staňková: Word order in Czech polar questions with outer negation
Abishek Stephen: Searching for a Minimal Model of Spread of Lexemes across Languages
Zuzanna Szutta: Analysis of the media discourse surrounding the 2021 Polish-Belarusian border crisis

Speakers of 2024

The speakers of 2024 are:

  • Danny Dirker (Heidelberg University)
  • Linda Drijvers (MPI Nijmegen)
  • Barbara Kaup (University of Tübingen)
  • Dalibor Kučera (University of South Bohemia)
  • Radim Lacina (Osnabrück University)
  • Jiří Milička (Charles University)
  • Jessica Nieder (University of Passau)
  • Daniela Palleschi (HU Berlin)
  • Amanda Potts (Cardiff University)
  • Filip Smolík (Charles University)
  • Benedikt Szmrecsanyi (KU Leuven)
  • Kellen Parker Van Dam (University of Passau)